From Wild, Belongs To Wild

So at last i've came out of my lazy nest and decided to blog about the nation

So as i flipped through the papers yesterday i saw a story which disgusts me and made me despise certain people whose filthy rich until they have no where to spend it but to buy endangered animals?!

Why I say so? If you are rich it is your business but don't try to show off by capturing another's life and keep it to symbolize how great are you. Do believe in the law of cause and effect what you did in life, you'll the award or punishment in later or in your next life.

Keeping a normal pet is ok but endangered species? how many of their population you think they have? They don't even stand a chance to survive and you think keeping them as your pet will help them? Put yourself their shoes and you'll know how they feel. Plus if they are endangered species help them to survive in the wild so that our next generation will be able to see them with their own eyes if not they will never know it existed


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