RUN by Snow Patrol

.. somehow i just can't get this song out of my head ...
.. a song those who felt rather lost, a bit despair, needs some melancholic feeling ..
life's a lil sucky at times, therefore we need music, to sing our souls out

I'll sing it one last time for you
Then we really have to go
You've been the only thing that's right
In all I've done

And I can barely look at you
But every single time I do
I know we'll make it anywhere
Away from here

Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear

Louder louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say

To think I might not see those eyes
Makes it so hard not to cry
And as we say our long goodbye
I nearly do

Light up...

Slower slower
We don't have time for that
All I want is to find an easier way
To get out of our little heads

Have heart my dear
We're bound to be afraid
Even if it's just for a few days
Making up for all this mess

6.17am, 26/2/2009
-owe this song to Lobbie-


Stress Relieve

cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The
phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,

it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.

Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if
you can raed tihs psas it on !!

*Try reading it and it will prove how smart you are :)

juz a simple reminder to let you chill in your life :)


Time and Life

Time flows like a rushing river down stream to the sea while life is the river itself, we can't stop it from flowing, if we try to walk up the river, we know that we've been through so much things, bumpy rocky ages by the riverbank, obstacles like the damps or boulders that tries to stop the water from flowing but somehow with the strong current of the river, nothing can actually stop it.

No matter how hard the rock is, as long as the river still flows, sharp edges of the rocks will be moulded into smooth and shining edges. I guess if in this world there's a river that does not flow downstream maybe this life of ours are reversible.


Things Came When You Less Expected It


Valentine's Day Dedication to All My Friends who are

Love is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it eludes you. But
if you just let it fly, it will come to you when you least expect it. Love can
make you happy but often it hurts, but love's only special when you give it
to someone who is really worth it. So take your time and choose the best.

Love isn't about becoming somebody else's 'perfect person.' It's about
finding someone who helps you become the best person you can be.

Never say 'I love you' if you don't care. Never talk about feelings if they
aren't there. Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart. Never look
in the eye when all you do is lie. The cruelest thing a guy can do to a girl is
to let her fall in love when he doesn't intend to catch her fall and it works
both ways...

Love is not about 'it's your fault', but 'I'm sorry.' Not 'where are you',
but 'I'm right here.' Not 'how could you', but 'I understand.' Not 'I
wish you were', but 'I'm thankful you are.'

The true measure of compatibility is not the years spent together but how
good you are for each other.

Heartbreaks last as long as you want and cut as deep as you allow them to
go. The challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to learn from them.

How to be in love: Fall but don't stumble, be consistent but not too
persistent, share and never be unfair, understand and try not to demand,
and get hurt but never keep the pain.

It breaks your heart to see the one you love happy with someone else but
it's more painful to know that the one you love is unhappy with you.


Love hurts when you break up with someone. It hurts even more when
someone breaks up with you. But love hurts the most when the person you
love has no idea how you feel.

A sad thing about life is when you meet someone and fall in love, only to
find out in the end that it was never meant to be and that you have wasted years on someone who wasn't worth it. If he isn't worth it now he's not
going to be worth it a year or 10 years from now. Let go.....



A day to remind lovers how much they should love each other or rather a celebration for the ones whom we love around us?



Question : Why family and friends are important?

Answer : Because we spend our most precious asset in our life with them, TIME


This is what i had learned throughout my time in my life, cherish and love your family and friends as they have been with you for most of your growing up, shared your laughter, shared your tears, grew with you. Don't let them down and they will be there for a lifetime, there's only one life time to cherish them as there won't be another lifetime with them.

Sometimes they may not be that understanding towards you, but if you see in their point of view, they might know you better than you knew yourself, you won't be able to see it but true friends do.

*Another post by me about the experiences I felt during this year 2009, it's going to be a long journey but the journey so far has been good with friends around, can never neglect the existence of true buddies around me. The road ahead may be blurred, but with you all around me, I guess we love the bumpiness we felt in our lives. =)